If you do NOT currently have a SEP account please scroll down and read the instructions under 'SEP account registration procedure' then follow the link provided at the bottom of the page.
If you do currently have a SEP account visit the SEP portal and login with your usual SEP account. At the approved applications page you will see a list of the NMED application you already have access to and at the lower left a link reading "Show all available applications". Click the link and the list will expand to show all SEP applications. The "Haztarckit" application should be available. Click the "register" link adjacent to "Haztrackit" at the right. Then click "Yes, please take me to registration". A request for access will be sent to the application approver who will then approve the access.
Click here to login with your SEP account.
SEP account registration procedure:
- The link below will take you to a web page that asks you for an email address. You will receive account verifications at the address you type in so be sure to use one that is active and that you can check easily. You will also need to type in a few characters that are obscured by a captcha. This is just a security measure that prevents automatted processes from attempting to obtain a SEP account.
- Click the 'Submit' button. You will be taken to a page that indicates your registration request was submitted. You will then receive an email message at the address you typed in the request form. The message will contain a link to the registration page.
- Click the link and your browser should then open to a page entitled 'Application Registration - New User Profile'.
- Fill in the required fields. Select anything for the 'Title' since it won't impact how Haztrackit works. The email address you typed in the initial page will already be filled in.
- Click Create User Profile. You will be taken to the application selection page where you will see an entry for Haztrackit in the list.
- Click on the 'Haztrackit' link or the 'register' link at the right. You will be taken to the registration complete page. At this point your request has been emailed to the Haztrackit 'approver'. After receiving the request the approver will check the information you entered on the SEP registration page and when you are approved will send you an email containing your SEP user account, a temporary password and a link where you can now login to SEP.
- When you login the first time using the temporary password you will be asked to type in a permanent password and, if the password is secure enough, you will be logged out.
- Log back in with the new password. Now you will be presented with the SEP screen that you will see each time you log in to SEP from then on. Haztrackit will be on the approved applications
- Click on it to go to the Haztrackit start page.